How to add new field in attribute page in magento admin panel

Hello Friends, If you want to add a new field in catalog->Attributes->Manage Attributes->Under Frontend Properties Please follow the below steps to do it. Step: - 1 Create one column under “catalog_eav_attribute” in database table. For Example: I have given field name: Field: is_visible_on_attributelist Type: TINYINT Length: 1 Attributes:UNSIGNED Null: not null Default:0 Leave remaining field as it is. If your magento version is 1.3.x then may be you have not this table. For that create it under “eav_attribute” table. Step: - 2 Open appcodecoreMageAdminhtmlBlockCatalogProductAttributeEditTabMain.php Add your field here For example I have to add field “is_visible_on_attributelist” with option yes/no. Note: your column name and your added field in this file should be same that is “is_visible_on_attributelist”. Next put code
	$fieldset->addField('is_visible_on_attributelist', 'select', array(
		'name'      => 'is_visible_on_attributelist',
		'label'     => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Visible on Attribute List Frontend'),
		'title'     => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Visible on Attribute List Frontend'),
		'values'    => $yesnoSource,
	$fieldset->addField('used_for_sort_by', 'select', array(
		'name'      => 'used_for_sort_by',
		'label'     => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Used for Sorting in Product Listing'),
		'title'     => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Used for Sorting in Product Listing'),
		'note'      => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Depends on design theme'),
		'values'    => $yesnoSource,
You can place where ever you want. Hope this will help you. Thanks,
Kerry Kerry Page

Kerry Page

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