Insurgence of Pokemon Go Stirring A Storm In The Digital Ecosystem

Innovation is as important for as the digital world, as breathing is, for our body. Thinking about the journey of human life till date, from fire to flight and from smartphone to satellite, innovation lies at the core. It is the idea that has led to innovation, which always has made human life better every day. Any drastic and far-reaching change always takes place with a good idea and becomes the reason for a revolution. So let’s discuss one more idea which has created a wave of excitement among the young generation. We are talking about mobile software application which is now in news everywhere that is the smartphone game ‘Pokémon Go.’

Pokemon go
Creativity Conquers: To defend today’s era of competition especially in techno world, one has to be creative enough. You cannot survive for long if you can’t give something remarkable to users and preserve their interest in it, particularly in smart phone apps development. “Creation with quality is always accepted” Hence you will have to avoid stereo type app development ideas. Certainly it is the creative idea which has made the ‘Pokémon Go’ so much successful in the market. To play a game with smart phone outside of home is totally new concept and it is accepted by people with excitement and interest.

Where Technology Unites People: One of the main attractions of the ‘Pokémon Go’ is, it allows you to go for social interaction with the people surrounding you and this way good collaboration happens. It is quite notable that the app brings real world’s goodness to app stores. People have been active like never before. There are also several jokes, memes and advertisements that talk about the ‘Pokemon Go’ craze.

Entertainment with Exercise: This revolutionary app, is quite a juxtaposition to the usual mobile phone apps, that are responsible for making your lifestyle sedentary. ‘Pokemon Go’ inspires people for walk – Now that’s new, fresh and appealing. This is geolocation based app which gives you reason to go out and interact with people to develop new connections. As you walk, you can collect hundreds of the different characters and your steps are tracked by GPS. ‘Pokemon Go’ seems to have finally inspired people to get up from their confortable couches, and walk outside while doing what they love – playing a game. People are overcoming anxiety and depression by leaving the house and playing Pokémon Go. This game is perfect answer to the people who had opposite views for the technology, like, one of the reason for obesity is technology as hard work is disappeared from routine due to availability of facilities. “Pokémon has Combined Concept of Physical and Digital” This is a new augmented reality game that has stirred a storm in digital world – within a week of its release. The world has never seen something that has engaged the public this much and this quickly. About 48 hours of its launch, and there are more active users on ‘Pokemon Go’ than on twitter or any other social media.
Kerry Kerry Page

Kerry Page

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