The Changing Face of Web Development: Transformational Trends That Will Rule 2016

WebOsphere is continually evolving – Every year a new set of trends come up and change the web development scenario. With numerous upcoming frameworks, robust development tools and advancing technologies, this year too looks promising for web developers.
The Changing Face of Web Development Transformational Trends
Let’s have a look at some transformational web development trends which will reign in 2016.

• Emergence of motion user interface or motion UI Motion UI is a part of Sass library, which forms one of the parts of Foundation for Apps created by Zurb. It is extensively used to create quick animations and CSS transitions. Moreover, with Motion UI, it becomes less complicated, making app transition smoother and rich with various predefined motions. Furthermore, the seamless integration of prototypical animated elements into the websites makes Motion UI one of the most widely preferred libraries for the developers. It was last year that Motion UI emerged as one of the most important trends and developer’s community believes that it is here to stay at least for the next few years.

• Advanced platforms mean newer responsive design With new technologies coming in the market, things are rapidly changing. These new technologies are just making their first application, but it is believed that these developments will be set in motion in 2016. In fact, responsive design will be not be restricted to just mobile. With a plethora of different devices, screens and other wearable gadgets like Apple watch or Google Glass coming in, Semantic UI is the new framework which emerged last year. And it is supposed to continue to be in demand in the coming years, as well.

• Browser-based IDEs will be the next in thing A developer, over a period of time, gets comfortable with their own development environment. Some might be very well-versed with VIM or IntelliJ and hardly step out of their comfort zones. However, this will soon change – with the cloud-based versions of IDEs, more people are now using browser-based IDEs. Since they are fast and more accessible with some having a huge community supporting them; these IDEs are set to rule the world of web development. While you might not be using these tools full-fledged, it is always recommended to be aware and learn about their availability.

The verdict We are already in the second quarter of 2016, and businesses are reeling under the heat of competition. Following these trends will help the developers and subsequently the businesses to stay afloat in the competitive world. If you are still not sure, the key is to hire a professional web developer who can build for you a website, that your users will love, and one that will create an instant impression online.
Kerry Kerry Page

Kerry Page

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